

i really like the new (i'm guessing it's pretty new?) video sharing site, Lily and the Muse. it's home to some absolutely gorgeous videos! right now i'm adoring the video above. i first saw it on See Hear Say. the film is called In All the World I Dream of Paper by Petra Storrs and it's visual bliss. it's so beautiful! and cute! wouldn't you just feel so darling in that paper dress? ohh and that big paper bow is to die for, is it not? this short film transports you to another world, it's very dreamy. you should also really check out Petra Storrs other work. like, say, this adorable music video that she made paper puppets for!


  1. I love that video, its so fantastic,

  2. i'm so excited to check out that site now. thanks!

  3. oh my gosh this is awesome!! so cute!!



archived postcards


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Portland, OR, United States
hi! i'm Lena, but you can call me Lulu. i love Frida Kahlo, feminism, art, reading, kitties, and drinking tea. i love the film Amelie and i think that the tiny traveling gnome has stolen my heart. i want to own a bookshop and live above it one day. i get quite passionate about things. i tend to think too much. i'm kind of a hermit.

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thank you to Janine for letting me use her wonderful postcard photo as my blog header ♥

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